Greetings Fellow Filthlings,
Due to the horrid pandemic roiling all around us, most people have been hit hard financially by the ongoing ‘lockdown’ scenario and none more close to the collective Cradle family’s hearts than the legendary CREWDLE OF FILTH, who sit in limbo as the band continue recording their forthcoming new album, with fiends and families of their own to support in these difficult times.
With this in mind, I felt it incumbent upon me to reach out to all of our fans to try and help the crew in any little way possible to survive this crisis. The touring industry is built of self-employed workers, they are with us day-in, day-out making the shows happen and with no concerts or tours happening, well…
I realise it’s a desperate-looking measure, but desperate times clarion-call these demands and therefore i hope, as part of our greater unholy Worldwide alliance, you would consider a small donation to their just and worthy cause.
Anything you can muster would be immensely appreciated and thank-you all once again from the turgid depths of our filthy hearts for your understanding.
Click the stink below to contribute if you please!
Bestial wishes in the Era Horrificus...
Your fiend,
Dani Filth